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Our family ministry program is one of the priorities of our parish community. We have invested a large amount of time, energy and resources to it. We are proud tosay we are a vibrant and living community…
ALL ARE WELCOME, whatever your age sex or orientation, whatever your
political or theological view is we are open. Open to share, to have conversation and open to worship with you. We celebrate diversity in our church. We are proud to offer a multitude of opportunities for people to join in to the level that they are prepared too. Come and See what the Lord has done…
Sunday School Sunday or Church for Kids: On the First Sunday of every month at 10:30am
It’s a Sunday service for all ages to enjoy. With fun, games, songs, and stories for kids to enjoy,
we make our church service interactive and tactile. We have laughed, learned, and even seen a
Jedi or two.
Christian Life Classes: Held every second week (in the fall winter) from 9:30-10:15am before
service. These classes are in place of traditional Sunday school. This is where kids and their
parents come to learn about things like, what Baptism and the Eucharist are all about. It promises
to hands on learning experience where we can explore the different parts of the church and
community. Experience church from all angles.
Family Supper: Gathering every second Tuesday of the month. We cook, we eat, and we
hang out. .Sometimes it’s hard to have quality time with friends, it’s to much of a hassle to host a
“dinner party”. Well we have an awesome time cooking, eating and just being family here once a
month. No Church talk, no Sermons just people eating and being people together. For more
information click here.
Messy Church: Every other month we host the city’s Messy Church. Messy Church is a time
to get together and get messy while learning some Gospel themed virtues. For adults & children
alike, Messy Church is designed for people who often don’t manage to attend a church already.
But Messy Churches laid back and interactive style of worship allows them a glimpse of life in
the church community. With games, crafts, stories and food, it gives families a time to have fun
and learn about Jesus.
Knitting Circle: On the last Wednesday of the month at 6pm, a small group of chatty knitters
gathers together for some stitching and…. chatting. It’s an opportunity to get out and meet more
friends from our community while still doing something we enjoy. An inter-generational group
welcomes you to a friendship knitting circle, we are people of all ages, and abilities! Beginners
to over 40 years of experience. Let’s get together away from kids, from partners and from
distractions, for a little rest relaxation.
Games Gild: Sporadically and according to the schedules of those involved the Gamers guild
meets. We play interactive role playing games as a band of Knights, Elves, Barbarians and other
crazy characters. With snacks and good friends we are all ages and abilities…
God at The Pub: Fricken Friars - Pub Night: Held on the First Monday of the month at 6pmin the Mudtown brewery. A group of people get together to find fellowship and good conversation. Sometimes we talk about the worlds problems… some times we think we have them solved… most times we find a group of friends to lend and ear and a prayer to our lives and stories.