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“For where two or three are gathered in my name,  I am there among them.”  Matthew 18:20 


Healing Ministry has been offered for a number of years in our church by clergy and lay leaders.  This Ministry is held each Sunday during the 10:30 a.m. service. Healing prayers are offered for those who wish to receive.  All are welcome.


Q.  How is Healing Ministry offered?

  1.  Through anointing with holy oil, prayers, and laying on of hands.  Prayer candles are also available for you to light prior to the service or during Eucharist when you can offer up your prayers.  Candles can be found to the right of the Communion Table and in All Saints Chapel.  


Q.  Who is involved and where do I go?

  1.  All are welcome.  The priest offers the anointing when requested, immediately following receiving the sacraments/blessing.  Pick up a tissue on your way to the Communion Table.  This is a sign that you’d like to receive a prayer with holy oil.  


Trained team members offer prayer, and laying on of hands in All Saints Chapel.  After you have received Communion just make your way over to the Chapel (located at the north side of the main aisle) where you will see the Healing Ministry folks.


Q.  Why is it offered?

  1.  We are all invited into the life of Christ who meets us where we are in our lives.  God’s desire for us is to attain wholeness in body, mind and spirit through the love of Christ.  By responding to the healing ministry of Jesus, our healing ministry listens to needs, prays and supports the well being of one another.  Through being present with one another we are reminded of the power of God’s Grace, love and healing power in our lives.  Life is full of different experiences: some joyful and not so joyful.  Prayers may be offered for thanksgiving, concerns, healing for physical, emotional and spiritual needs for yourself, parishioners, family members and others in our community, and the global community.  All Prayer Ministry visits are sacred, and confidential.  It is a privilege to spend time together in this way.  


1049 4th Ave East, P.O. Box 452, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5P7, Canada


Office: 519-376-3287


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